Idaa TrailLessons from the land
Hottah Lake
Fence Narrows
Blood Rock
Hook Place
Komoola Portage
Sliding Hill
Village beside Nidzii
Bea Lake
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Fence Narrows
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They paddled to the place where the lake grew narrow, hugged between two hilly shorelines, and pulled both canoes on shore.
The grandparents stood, proudly watching as their three grandchildren set up camp. John worked on the tents; Nora gathered dry twigs for a fire while Peter carried packs from the canoes to the campsite.
"They have learned well," said Etsi to her husband.
"Nezi," nodded Etseh.
Once all the work was finished, Nora, Peter and John enjoyed a quick swim in the cold waters of the lake.
"Dzonchleh. Let's take a walk over this way," pointed Etseh. "I want to show you something."
As they walked along, an odd piece of wood from under a bush caught Etseh's attention. Smiling, he walked over and picked it up.
"That looks like an old toy airplane," said John.
"He?e. I can remember camping here with my family a long time ago. My grandfather used to make these kinds of toys for us. This was one of my favourites," he said as he gently placed it back under the bush.
"Aren't you going to take it home?" asked Nora.
"Ile. If I leave it here, I can come and visit it another time!" laughed Etseh.

Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada